[Congressional Record Volume 157, Number 187 (Wednesday, December 7, 2011)]
[Pages H8252-H8258]
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Reed). Under the Speaker's announced policy of January 5, 2011, the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Gosar) is recognized for the remainder of the hour as the designee of the majority leader. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, thank you for joining me this evening to talk about a very special group of veterans, the Navajo Code Talkers. Tonight, my colleagues and I are going to share their stories and highlight the amazing accomplishments of this group of warriors. Their contribution to the Allied effort during World War II is widely credited with winning the Battle of Iwo Jima and making majors gains in the Pacific. During the early months of World War II, Japanese intelligence experts broke every code the U.S. forces devised. The Japanese were able to decode and intercept communications with ease. To combat this, increasingly complex codes were initiated that sometimes took hours at a time simply to decipher one message. Guadalcanal in 1942 was a turning point for the Allied military forces, who realized that the military communications needed a new direction, and new inspiration. Fortunately, an innovative citizen named Philip Johnston had the answer. As the son of a Protestant missionary, Johnston had grown up on the Navajo reservation and was one of less than 30 non-Navajos fluent in the unique Navajo language. He realized that since it had no alphabet and was almost impossible to master without early exposure, the Navajo language was a perfect choice to form a new, impenetrable military code. In 1942, Johnston completed an impressive demonstration of the Navajo language to the Commanding General of the Pacific Fleet headquartered in San Diego. He was then given permission to begin a pilot for the Navajo Code Talker program, and I would like to submit his letter dated March 8, 1942, for the Record.
Headquarters, Amphibious Force,
Pacific Fleet, Camp Elliott,
San Diego, CA, March 6, 1942
Subject: Enlistment of Navaho Indians.
To: The Commandant,
U.S. Marine Corps.
Enclosures: (A) Brochure by Mr. Philip Johnston, with maps.
(B) Messages used in demonstration.
- Mr. Philip Johnston of Los Angeles recently offered his services to this force to demonstrate the use of Indians for the transmission of messages by telephone and voice-radio. His offer was accepted and the demonstration was held for the Commanding General and his staff.2. The demonstration was interesting and successful. Messages were transmitted and received almost verbatim. In conducting the demonstration messages were written by a member of the staff and handed to the Indian; he would transmit the message in his tribal dialect and the Indian on the other end would write them down in English. The text of messages as written and received are enclosed. The Indians do not have many military terms in their dialect so it was necessary to give than a few minutes, before the demonstration, to improvise words for dive-bombing, anti-tank gun, etc.3. Mr. Johnston stated that the Navaho is the only tribe in the United States that has not been infested with German students during the past twenty years. These Germans, studying the various tribal dialects under the guise of art students, anthropologists, etc., have undoubtedly attained a good working knowledge of all tribal dialects except Navaho. For this reason the Navaho is the only tribe available offering complete security for the type of work under consideration. It is noted in Mr. Johnston's article(enclosed) that the Navaho is the largest tribe but the lowest in literacy. He stated, however, that 1,000--if that many were needed--could be found with the necessary qualifications. It should also be noted that the Navajo tribal dialect is completely unintelligible to all other tribes and all other people, with the possible exception ofas many as 28 Americans who have made a study of the dialect. This dialect is thus equivalent to a secret code to the enemy, and admirably suited for rapid, secure communication.4. It is therefore recommended that an effort be made to enlist 200 Navaho Indians for this force. In addition to linguistic qualifications in English and their tribal dialect they
should have the physical qualifications for messengers.
Clayton B. Vogel,
Commanding General.
Their elite unit was formed in early 1942 when the first of the 29 Navajo Code Talkers were recruited by Johnston. The code was modified and improved throughout the war, but it is so important to note that these 29 Navajo heroes came up with the original code themselves. Accordingly, they are often referred to reverently as the ``original 29.'' We will have the honor of reading their names a bit later this evening. Many of these enlistees were just boys with little exposure to the world outside of the Navajo reservation. After the war, it was discovered that recruits as young as 15 and as old as 35 years of age had enlisted. In fact, a few of these men traveled to other towns on the reservation, outside their clan where no one knew them and their true age, in order to enlist underage and serve their country. After sailing through basic training, the Navajo Code Talkers were sent to Marine divisions in the Pacific theater of World War II. Their reputation as innovators soon spread far and wide amongst their commanding officers. In the field, they were not allowed to write any part of the code down as a reference. In fact, the code existed only amongst this small group. Under high pressure battle conditions, the Code Talkers had to quickly recall their code accurately, or risk hundreds or thousands of lives. Make no mistake about the gravity of this accomplishment. The Navajo Code Talkers created the only unbroken code in modern military history. It baffled the Japanese forces. It was even indecipherable to a Navajo soldier taken prisoner and tortured on Bataan. The secret code created by the Navajo Code Talkers was a simple marvel of linguistic invention. It contained native terms that were associated with specialized or commonly used military language, as well as native terms that represented letters in the alphabet. English words with no Navajo translation were spelled out using the Navajo alphabet. The selection of a given term was based on the first letter of the English meaning of the Navajo word. For words that did not translate into Navajo, the Code Talkers created code that did not directly translate, but tended to resemble the things with which they are associated. For example, the Navajo word for ``iron fish'' represented submarine. I could give many more examples, but I think that one is particularly poignant. To say ``America,'' the Code Talkers used the word ``ne-he-mah,'' which means ``our mother.'' This brilliant code allowed our U.S. Marines to communicate quickly and accurately. The Code Talkers' brave work is widely credited with successes of battle in the Pacific and, more ultimately, with helping to end this tragic war.
{time} 1930
In the battle for Iwo Jima, in the first 48 hours alone they coded over 800 transmissions with perfect accuracy. While the true heroism of these brave warriors is known today, sadly, the Code Talkers had to return home after the war without the heroes' welcome they deserved. Ironically, the code was such a precious asset to the U.S. military that it was classified and had to be kept secret. While the code was declassified in 1968, it took years to properly decorate those veterans. In 2001, nearly 60 years after they created their legendary code, the Navajo Code Talkers finally received their well-deserved Congressional Medals of Honor. Today, only one original Code Talker remains, but the tradition lives on. A delegation of the Four Corners States will attempt to recognize these warriors one by one and give us their thoughts during this hour. I would like to first recognize my good friend from Arizona (Mr. Flake). Mr. FLAKE. I thank the gentleman for yielding and for arranging this Special Order. This is something that we in Arizona and anywhere in the West in Utah and elsewhere have great pride in and that this recognition, as the gentleman mentioned, came far too late and has been far too little, given the amount of the impact that the Navajo Code Talkers had on World War II. So I'm pleased to be here and to lend my voice to recognition. As the gentleman mentioned, only one of the original Code Talkers is still living. So I think it's important that we recognize others who carried on this code and tradition and helped out in this way. This was a group, as we mentioned, of many Navajos, Native Americans, who volunteered for the armed services in World War II. This was, as the gentleman said, very successful. It was the only code that remained unbroken. And one of the most amazing aspects of World War II is how these people came together, as the gentleman mentioned, young kids in their teen years and others, and volunteered for this effort. It's even more remarkable when we note that many States did not permit Native Americans to vote until the 1950s. Yet the Code Talkers were undeterred. They wanted to help their country. It's fitting that we honor this group on the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the start of World War II, because they had such an integral part of ensuring that that brutal war came to an end. I want to thank my colleague from Arizona and others who have come here for putting together this timely tribute to make sure that these individuals are recognized for the impact that they had in ending this war and to ensure that this world remains free. Mr. GOSAR. I thank the gentleman. I would like at this time to acknowledge my good friend from New Mexico (Mr. Lujan). Mr. LUJAN. I thank my colleague from Arizona (Mr. Gosar) for bringing us together tonight as we get a chance to visit and celebrate heroes that are amongst us, whether it's in spirit or body, as we are still so fortunate to have Chester Nez with us, one of the original 29 as well. With me tonight I have a few excerpts of articles that have been written around the country that capture some stories recently in the Fronteras Desk. An author by the name of Laurel Morales captured the story of Chester Nez. It starts like this: ``Growing up in New Mexico, Chester Nez and many of his fellow Navajo were punished for speaking their language.'' You talk about a language as they were pulled away to boarding schools, so many of the young Navajo across the country, and the importance of what they were able to accomplish during World War II. In the words of Major Howard Connor of the 5th Marine Division, he declared that were it not for the Navajos, the marines would never have taken Iwo Jima, and the importance of language and what they were able to accomplish. The article goes on to read that years later, Nez was shocked to learn that he'd been recruited by the marines specifically to devise a code using the same language the government tried to beat out of him. It was extremely ironic. One of the very things they were forbidden to do--speak Navajo--ended up helping us save the war. Mr. Nez goes on to say that he and his fellow Code Talkers first developed an alphabet, as you described, Mr. Gosar, using everyday Navajo words to represent letters of words, as you talked about-- submarine: iron fish; besh-lo: iron fish; and hummingbird: dah-he-tih- hi to talk about fighter planes. It's amazing how when we talked about the Japanese and how they were so effective at cracking codes, how they couldn't crack this one. Mr. Nez goes on to say in the article that being one of the last original Code Talkers, he lives in Albuquerque with his son--a father of six children. He has nine grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren. It goes on to say that ``today, with so many people leaving the reservation, Navajo elders like Nez fear their language is dying. Nez hopes Navajo children learn the story of Code Talkers so they understand just how critical it is to learn their own language.'' And thank you for bringing us together, Mr. Gosar, this evening to help celebrate the history of our Code Talkers, as it wasn't until Senator Bingaman moved legislation back in 2000 to be able to give honor to our original 29--a few of them, at the very least, and their families--with gold medals, and silver medals to the others that were also trained to go on. So I think this is an example of a few stories that we'll be submitting and sharing this evening to be able to celebrate the lives and stories and the history, especially on today as we remember Pearl Harbor and all the sacrifice Page H8254 and all the families we lost that day and so many brave soldiers as well. Thanks for bringing this tonight. I look forward to many stories and continuing to share many of the articles that we've been able to find capturing the history and personal stories of our friend, our heroes, the Code Talkers from all throughout New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. Mr. GOSAR. I thank the gentleman from New Mexico. At this time I would like to recognize my good friend from Utah (Mr. Chaffetz). Mr. CHAFFETZ. Thank you. I appreciate the bipartisan nature in which we do this. These are truly American heroes who have made a difference in our lives and something we should all be proud of and never forget. I worry as these gentlemen get older that somehow generations in the future will maybe forget this. I appreciate you, Mr. Gosar, for your commitment to them. I know you're passionate about this. I can see it in your eyes when you talk about it. I wanted to recognize and pay special tribute to somebody who's originally from Utah, Samuel Tom Holiday. He was a Navajo Code Talker. He served in the United States Marine Corps 4th Marine Division, 25th Regiment, the H&S Company. We're fortunate to still have him here with us in our presence today. Mr. Holiday was born in 1924 on a Navajo reservation near the Monument Valley area of Utah, down near the Four Corners area. He was a Navajo Code Talker in World War II. As you have talked about before, Code Talkers transmitted tactical messages by telephone and radio in the Dine language. It was a code the Japanese were never able to break and was very instrumental in our war efforts. At a young age, Samuel and his brothers hid from government agents who came to send Navajo children to boarding schools. Holiday said he was ultimately caught and forced to attend a boarding school where he was not allowed to speak his native language. As he said, ``One of the hardest times I had was learning to talk English. I would hide cookies in my pockets to pay the older boys to teach me English. Whenever they''--the school instructors--``found out I had talked Navajo, they made me scrub floors, scrub walls. I spent much of my first year scrubbing the wall.'' Mr. Holiday attended the school until he was 18 years old and he was recruited into the Marine Corps. Mr. Holiday served in the Pacific theatre from 1943 to 1945 in Saipan, Tinian, Kwajalein Atoll, and Iwo Jima. From Mr. Holiday: ``A lot of time they sent us where it was a very dangerous spot, and I sent messages. They didn't know we were Navajo Code Talkers using Navajo language.'' The very language he was punished for using in his boarding school was suddenly a major asset to the United States Marines. Mr. Holiday remains active with the Navajo Code Talkers Association. He's traveled throughout most of the United States conducting presentations about the Code Talkers and about his life experiences before and after the war. I was very pleased to see that Mr. Holiday was awarded the Congressional Silver Medal, something he was very worthy of, obviously. It's interesting to me that the Navajo Code Talker Program was actually a secret until after the war and was not declassified until later in 1968. It was another 14 years before the Navajo Code Talkers were recognized by the United States Government. In fact, in December of 1982, President Ronald Reagan recognized the Code Talkers for their dedicated service, unique achievement, patriotism, resourcefulness, and courage. {time} 1940 August 14, 1982 was proclaimed National Navajo Code Talkers Day. I think President Reagan did the right thing. I think it's something that all Americans--I want my kids and people in Utah and across the Nation to recognize the contributions and sacrifices that these people made. They truly made a difference in our lives; instrumental in the war. I appreciate this time to be able to recognize their achievements and help to our country. Mr. GOSAR. I thank the gentleman from Utah. I would like at this time to recognize my friend, the gentleman from New Mexico (Mr. Heinrich). Mr. HEINRICH. I want to thank the gentleman from Arizona for pulling us together from around the four corners to honor these incredible Native Americans, these incredible Americans, especially on this historic anniversary. And I'm certainly honored to join my colleagues tonight to honor the quiet valor of all the Navajo Code Talkers. Today, some six decades since their service during World War II, only one of the original 29 Code Talkers, Corporal Chester Nez, survives. And I am incredibly proud of Corporal Nez, who at the age of 90 resides in my congressional district in Albuquerque with his son Mike, his daughter-in-law Rita, and their children. Corporal Nez's story is much like the hundreds of Code Talkers who followed in his footsteps. He grew up on the Navajo Nation to parents who grew corn and pinto beans, kept goats and sheep. And he grew up in a time when Navajos were sharply mistreated and even unable to vote in our own elections in places throughout the Southwest. Yet in 1942, at the age of 18, he sprung into action and he joined the 382nd Platoon in a role that is largely credited with saving thousands of American lives. Along with the other 28 original Code Talkers, Corporal Nez developed a code from their unwritten language. You can find the code's explanation today in the index of his autobiography. And whether in artillery, tanks, aboard ships or in infantry, the Code Talkers played a vital role in some of the worst battles in the Pacific theater, communicating battlefield codes that were never, ever broken by the enemy. Their code-talking was considered so essential to the war that, unlike their counterparts, many of them were forced to serve straight through the war with no breaks for rest or trips back home. And today, we widely recognize that their service helped turn the course of World War II. Yet because of the sheer secret of their role and the possibility that they would be called back for the same duty in the future, the actions of the Code Talkers weren't declassified until 23 years after the war ended. And it wasn't until 55 years later that they were bestowed with the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor and Silver Medal. To the young people of the Navajo Nation for whom Corporal Nez's quiet valor is a remarkable example, I encourage you to carry on his legacy by keeping the Navajo language alive and well for generations to come. Mr. Speaker, I know that the Navajo Nation takes such pride in these heroes. And on behalf of all of us who owe a tremendous debt of gratitude for their service, I'm proud to recognize the courage, service, and bravery of all the Navajo Code Talkers, and especially Corporal Nez of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mr. GOSAR. I thank the gentleman from New Mexico for that find. I would now like to acknowledge my good friend from Arizona (Mr. Schweikert). Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Thank you, Congressman Gosar. For all of us, we truly appreciate you organizing this. When you consider today is the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the entry into World War II, for many of us who grew up with family that had served, there's many heartbreaking stories. But when we reach out and read and learn more about the Code Talkers story, it's one of the great moments of pride for those of us from Arizona. When you consider there were--my understanding is there were about 400 native Americans who served, but the 27--was it 27 or 29? Mr. GOSAR. Twenty-nine. Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Twenty-nine from Arizona, I've had the pleasure over time of meeting some of them. I also know, as Arizona now is about to begin celebrating its 100th anniversary--and I have, actually, it's a little bit of a silly photo, but there is actually a smaller version of this on my wall in my office. A few months ago we had our very first celebration of beginning the 1-year celebration of our centennial as a State, and we were featuring our Navajo Code Talkers. It is something that many of us from the West are very, very proud of. And it was also that little moment where if Page H8255 you ever want to be a little humiliated, have them try to teach you to speak a few Navajo words, and then the giggling begins on how badly you pronounce it. But for anyone who is listening, the Navajo Code Talkers have actually built a foundation, and they actually have a wonderful Web site that has data and stories. It is navajocodetalkers.org. I encourage anyone to reach out and grab some of that information. These are powerful stories of incredible service to our country in a time of great need with a very unique skill and talent. I thank the gentleman from Arizona for organizing this. Mr. GOSAR. I thank the gentleman from Arizona. I want to take a few moments and honor one of our own in Arizona who just recently died. It is my humble privilege to honor Allen Dale June, one of the original 29 Code Talkers. He died just recently in September of 2010 at the age of 91. He passed away of natural causes at the Veterans Hospital in Prescott, Arizona, which is in my district. He is survived by his wife and 10 children and was buried in Kaibeto, in the heart of Navajo reservation. June, who attained the rank of sergeant, received the Congressional Gold Medal in 2001 along with other members of the original Code Talkers. When he died, Navajo Nation Council Speaker Lawrence Morgan said, ``The Navajo Nation lost a great warrior. His unique service to his country brought positive attention to the Navajo Nation. He will be missed.'' According to his wife, Virginia, June first tried to sign up for the Marines in his hometown of Kaibeto, but a recruiter told him he was too young. He then traveled to the reservation town of Chinle to enlist because he figured people there wouldn't recognize him and he could lie about his age and forge his father's signature. This dedication and determination to serve their country was common among the Code Talkers and shows character and bravery that we all should emulate. Allen June was a humble man who did not like to brag about much, even his remarkable service as a Code Talker. However, in the last years of his life he wore his service proudly, sporting a red Navajo Code Talker cap with his name on it. I would like to take an opportunity and see if my colleague from New Mexico would entertain a colloquy back and forth giving the roll call of the names of the 29.
Mr. LUJAN. It would certainly be an honor, Mr. Gosar.
Mr. GOSAR. Thank you, sir.
The roll call for the Navajo Code Talkers, the original 29:
Charlie Y. Begay.
Mr. LUJAN. Royal L. Begay.
Mr. GOSAR. Samuel Begay.
Mr. LUJAN. John Ashi Benally.
Mr. GOSAR. Wilsie Bitsie.
Mr. LUJAN. Cosey S. Brown.
Mr. GOSAR. John Brown, Jr.
Mr. LUJAN. John Chee.
Mr. GOSAR. Benjamin Cleveland.
Mr. LUJAN. Eugene R. Crawford.
Mr. GOSAR. David Curley.
Mr. LUJAN. Lowell S. Damon.
Mr. GOSAR. George H. Dennison.
Mr. LUJAN. James Dixon.
Mr. GOSAR. Carl N. Gorman.
Mr. LUJAN. Oscar B. Ilthma.
Mr. GOSAR. Allen Dale June.
Mr. LUJAN. Alfred Leonard.
Mr. GOSAR. Johnny R. Manuelito.
Mr. LUJAN. William McCabe.
Mr. GOSAR. Chester Nez.
Mr. LUJAN. Jack Nez.
Mr. GOSAR. Lloyd Oliver.
Mr. LUJAN. Joe Palmer.
Mr. GOSAR. Frank Danny Pete.
Mr. LUJAN. Nelson S. Thompson.
Mr. GOSAR. Harry Tsosie.
Mr. LUJAN. John Willie.
Mr. GOSAR. William Dean Wilson.
Does my friend have any further comments? Mr. LUJAN. Only to say again, Mr. Gosar, as we celebrate tonight, to never forget about the contributions of the Navajo people to our great Nation, with the work that they've done not only through the Cold War, but going back to all the work that was done. {time} 1950 As we pointed out earlier, in the words of Major Howard Connor, if it were not for the Navajos, the marines never would have taken Iwo Jima. It's a great night to be here to celebrate, and I thank you for bringing us together. I would like to submit into the Record an article from the Santa Fe New Mexican, dated August 29, 2010, also capturing the story telling and talking about Mr. Chester Nez, as well as the article, ``The Last of the Navajo Code Talkers,'' by Laurel Morales, which was listed in the Fronteras Desk. [From the SantaFeNewMexican.com, Aug. 29, 2010] An Original Code Talker Keeps Tale Alive--Few Remaining Members of Elite Navajo Marine Unit (By Felicia Fonseca) Albuquerque.--Tourists hurry inside a shop here to buy books about the famed Navajo Code Talkers, warriors who used their native language as their primary weapon. Outside, on a walk sheltered from the sun, nine of the Code Talkers sit at a table autographing the books. Each is an old man now. They wear similar caps and shirts, the scarlet and gold of the Marine Corps, and turquoise jewelry. One of these men, who signs his name as Cpl. Chester Nez, is distinguished from the others. Below his signature, he jots down why: 1st Original 29. Before hundreds of Code Talkers were recruited from the Navajo Nation to join the elite unit, 29 Navajos were recruited to develop the code--based on the then-unwritten Navajo language--that would confound Japanese military cryptologists and help win World War II. Of the Original 29, only three survive. Nez is one. The Code Talkers took part in every assault the Marines conducted in the Pacific, sending thousands of messages without error on Japanese troop movements, battlefield tactics and other communications critical to the war's ultimate outcome. ``It's one of the greatest parts of history that we used our own native language during World War II,'' Nez said in an interview with The Associated Press. ``We're very proud of it.'' Nez tells the story succinctly. He is the last of the original group able to do so. One can hardly speak or hear, and the memory of the third is severely tested by Alzheimer's disease. The 89-year-old Nez is limited, too. He is in a wheelchair after diabetes led to the amputation of both legs. These days, he'd rather ``just sit around, take it easy,'' he said. As a boy, Nez lived in a traditional Navajo home and helped his family tend to sheep in Two Wells on the eastern side of the vast 27,000-square-mile reservation. He played with toy cars, went barefoot, and spoke only his native language. That changed when he was sent to one of the boarding schools set up by the federal government to assimilate American Indian children into the broader culture. At boarding school, Nez said he had his mouth washed out with soap for speaking Navajo--ironic indeed, considering the vital role that the unique language--and Nez--would come to play. Nez was in 10th grade when a Marine recruiter came looking for young Navajos who were fluent in Navajo and English to serve in World War II. He jumped at the chance to defend his country, and to leave boarding school. He kept the decision to enlist a secret from his family and lied about his age, as did many others. ``I told my roommate, `Let's try it out,' and that's what we did,'' Nez said. ``One reason we joined is the uniform-- they were so pretty, dress uniforms.'' About 250 Navajos showed up at Fort Defiance, Ariz., then a U.S. Army base. But only 29 were selected to join the first all-Native American unit of Marines. They were inducted in May 1942. After basic training, the 382nd Platoon was tasked with developing the code. There Nez met Allen Dale June and Lloyd Oliver, among the others. Using Navajo words for red soil, war chief, clan, braided hair, beads, ant and hummingbird, for example, they came up with a glossary of more than 200 terms, later expanded, and an alphabet. At first, Nez said, the concern was whether or not the code could work. Then it proved impenetrable. ``The Japanese did everything in their power to break the code but they never did,'' he said. Nez no longer remembers the code in its entirety, but easily switches from English to Navajo to repeat one instruction he delivered during fighting on Guadalcanal. ``I always remember this one,'' Nez said. ``Enemy machine gun on your right flank, destroy!'' The Navajos trained in radio communications were walking copies of the code. Each message read aloud by a Code Talker was immediately destroyed. ``When you're involved in the world of cryptology, you not only have to provide information, you have to protect that,'' said Patrick Weadon, curator of the National Cryptologic Museum. ``And there's no better example than the Navajo Code Talkers during World War II.'' The Code Talkers were constantly on the move, often from foxhole to foxhole. Nez had a close call in Guam with a sniper's bullet that whizzed past his head and struck a palm tree. Once while running a message, Nez and his partner were mistaken for Japanese soldiers Page H8256 and were threatened at gunpoint until a Marine lieutenant cleared up the confusion, his son, Michael, said. ``Of course Dad couldn't tell them he was a Code Talker,'' Nez's son said. The Code Talkers had orders not to discuss their roles--not during the war and not until their mission was declassified 23 years later. In 2001 Nez, Dale and June traveled aboard the same plane to Washington, D.C., to receive the Congressional Gold Medal. The recognition, which they didn't receive when they returned home from war, propelled them to a sort of celebrity status, along with the release of a movie based on the Code Talkers the following year They appeared on television, rode on floats in parades and were asked to speak to veterans groups and students. Nez threw the opening pitch at a 2004 Major League Baseball game and blessed the presidential campaign of John Kerry. Oliver traveled with other Code Talkers as guests of honor in the nation's largest Veterans Day parade in New York last year. When residents of Longmont, Colo., heard that June and his wife did not have a permanent home, they raised money to buy one for the couple. The last three survivors of the Original 29 don't live on the Navajo Nation, where they are celebrated with a tribal holiday. They wonder about each other, but it's unlikely they'll reunite again. After World War II, Nez volunteered to serve two more years during the Korean War and retired in 1974 after a 25-year career as a painter at the veterans hospital in Albuquerque. June, 88, has spent the past few weeks in and out of hospitals in Wyoming and Arizona, and requires round-the- clock care. His third wife, Virginia, calls herself ``the charm'' and the protector of an endangered species. She's a walking promotion for him and the Marine Corps, yet she's careful of how much she says because he thinks it is unwelcome bragging. Oliver's wife, Lucille, echoes similar sentiments about her husband. Oliver displayed few reminders in what, until earlier this year, was his home on the Yavapai Indian reservation in Camp Verde, Ariz.--a few framed pictures, a Marine cap above his bedroom window and a U.S. flag above the doorway. ``He just put the past behind him, I guess,'' she says. Oliver, 87, speaks audibly but his words are difficult to understand. His hearing is impaired and he prefers not to have a hearing aid. Both June and Oliver had brothers who later served as Code Talkers. Nez tells the tourists seeking autographs in Albuquerque that he's part of the Original 29, but few appear to grasp what that means. ``Most of them,'' he says of the tourists, ``they just thank me for what we did.''
[From the Fronteras Desk, Nov. 11, 2011]
The Last of The Navajo Code Talkers
(By Laurel Morales)
Flagstaff.--Only one veteran Navajo code talker remains of the original 29 Navajo Marines who used their native language to devise an unbreakable code during World War II. Growing up in New Mexico, Chester Nez and many of his fellow Navajo were punished for speaking their language. In the 1920s, Nez attended one of many government run boarding schools that attempted to erase Indian culture and language. ``I often think about the things I went through, all the hardships,'' Nez said. He was being interviewed at the studios of KUNM in Albuquerque for Veterans Day. Years later, Nez was shocked to learn he'd been recruited by the Marines, specifically to devise a code using the same language the government tried to beat out of him. Judith Avila helped Nez write his memoir Code Talker, which was just published. ``It was extremely ironic one of the very things they were forbidden to do--speak Navajo--ended up helping save us during the war,'' Avila said. During World War II, the Japanese had cracked code after code the U.S. military used to hide their communications. Then, a Marine by the name of Philip Johnston, who had been raised on the Navajo Nation by white missionaries, suggested enlisting the help of the Navajo tribe. They became known as the code talkers. Navajo, or Dine as it's called, is a spoken language. And few non-Navajos understand its complexities. Nez and his fellow code talkers first developed an alphabet using every day Navajo words to represent letters, like the Navajo word for ant became ``A.'' Chester Nez, seen here during World War II, is 90 and the last of the original 29 Navajo Code Talkers. Then they came up with words for military terms. In Navajo, there is no word for bomb. So they called it an egg. A fighter plane was the Navajo word for hummingbird. ``And the Japanese tried everything in their power to try to decipher our code, but they never succeeded,'' Nez said. He and his fellow code talkers were faced with many cultural challenges during the war. The most difficult was dealing with so much death. The Navajo believe when you encounter a dead body that person's spirit stays with you. Coming home after the war, Nez remembered being haunted by these spirits. ``They were all around me. I actually see them alongside my bed,'' Nez said. ``This was one of the bad omen.'' His family performed a ceremony called the ``enemy way'' to cleanse him After that, Nez said, he felt free of the ghosts. The code talker program was secret. When Nez and the others arrived home in 1945, there was no fanfare. The code remained active for years after the war; it wasn't declassified until 1968. Still, it took decades before the men were officially recognized. In 2000, New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman introduced legislation to honor the code talkers. The following year-- nearly six decades after the code was written--president George W. bush awarded them Congressional Gold Medals. ``Today we give these exceptional Marines the recognition they earned so long ago,'' President Bush told a televised crowd at the Capital Rotunda. Only five of the original 29 were still alive. Chester Nez stood tall, puffed out his chest and saluted the president, while the crowd--many relatives of code talker families--gave the group a standing ovation. ``This gold medal is something I will treasure for as long as I live,'' said Nez, now 90-years-old. The last original code talker lives in Albuquerque with his son. The father of six children, he has nine grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Today with so many people leaving the reservation, Navajo elders like Nez fear their language is dying. Nez hopes Navajo children learn the story of the code talkers, so they understand just how critical it is to learn and use their own language. Mr. GOSAR. I thank the gentleman from New Mexico for his contribution. I would also like to start by going through the further list of the Navajo Code Talkers in the honor roll:
Navajo Code Talker list
Confirmed by Marine Corps, as of 17 July 2001
- Akee, Dan 818638
- Anthony, Franklin 990074
- Apache, Jimmie 936773
- Arviso, Bennie 894438
- Ashike, Earl 990140
- Ashley, Regis 894674
- Attikai, Harold 990084
- Augustine, John 894402
- Ayze, Lewis 990075
- Bahe, Henry 479876
- Bahe, Woody 875423
- Baldwin, Benjamin 818564
- Beard, Harold 894537
- Becenti, Roy L. 831055
- Bedoni, Sidney 479771
- Begay, Carlos 818566
- Begay, Charlie Sosie 830976
- Begay, Flemming 830977
- Begay, George 990132
- Begay, Henry 990142
- Begay, Jerry C. 830979
- Begay, Joe 990094
- Begay, Lee 990116
- Begay, Leo 990126
- Begay, Leonard 990210
- Begay, Notah 875405
- Begay, Paul 479917
- Begay, Samuel H. 358525
- Begay, Thomas H. 537144
- Begay, Walter 990073
- Begay, Willie K.1000016
- Begay, Wilson J. 894417
- Begody, David M. 990209
- Begody, Roger 875422
- Belinda, Wilmer 875407
- Belone, Harry 936837
- Benallie, Jimmie D. 964665
- Benally, Harrison Lee 1000075
- Benally, Harry 894507
- Benally, Jimmie L. 831045
- Benally, Johnson D. 875371
- Benally, Samuel 1000078
- Benton, Sr., Willie 830980
- Bernard, John 875276
- Betone, Lloyd 830963
- Bia, Andrew 990072
- Billey, Wilfred 830982
- Billie, Ben 1000045
- Billiman, Howard 521004
- Billison, Samuel (Dr.) 831074
- Billy, Sam Jones 830981
- Bitsie, Peter J. 1000037
- Bitsoie, Delford 990061
- Bizardie, Jesse 875495
- Black, Jesse 990205
- Blatchford, Paul 818633
- Bluehorse, David M. 831043
- Bowman, John Henry 403099
- Bowman, Robert 936938
- Brown, Arthur 990125
- Brown, Clarence Paul 990088
- Brown, Tsosie Herman 990202
- Brown, William Tully 990109
- Buck, Wilford 1000019
- Burke, Bobby 894411
- Burnie, Jose 1000100
- Burnside, Francis 548184
- Burr, Sandy 830984
- Cadman, William 936839
- Calleditto, Andrew 448919
- Carroll, Oscar Tsosie 894622
- Cattle Chaser, Dennis 479729
- Cayedito, Del 830985
- Cayedito, Ralph 830986
- Charley, Carson Bahe 894600
- Charlie, Sam 990199
- Chase, Frederick 479873
- Chavez, George 831098
- Chee, Guy 990200
- Clah, Stewart 965051
- Claw, Thomas 818547
- Cleveland, Billie 521016
- Cleveland, Ned 894519
- Cody, Leslie 479834
- Cohoe, James Charles 416497
- Craig, Bob Etcitty 830988
- Crawford, Karl Kee 478278
- Cronemeyer, Walter 990201
- Crosby, Billy 990035
- Csinnjinni, Carl 416351
- Dale, Ray 448911
- Damon, Anson C. 990227
- Davis, Tully 875378
- Deel, Martin Dale 818563
- Dehiya, Dan 830989
- Dennison, Leo 990107
- Dodge, Jerome Cody 894478
- Doolie, John 830990
- Doolie, Richardson 479723
- Draper, Nelson 990098
- Draper, Teddy Sr. 875345
- Etsicitty, Kee 830991
- Etsitty, Deswood 875304
- Evans, Harold 990097
- Foghorn, Ray 830992
- Francisco, Jimmy 818625
- Gatewood, Joseph P. 479889
- George, William 894441
- Gishal, Milton M. 875283
- Gleason, Jimmie 894446
- Goodluck, John 830933
- Gorman, Tom 818627
- Grayson, Bill L. 990052
- Greymountain, Yazzie 894538
- Guerito, Billy Lewis 830994
- Gustine, Tully 830995
- Guy, Charles 875406
- Harding, Ben Williams 990091
- Harding, Jack W. 479888
- Hardy, Tom 894628
- Harrison, Emmett 894479
- Haskie, Ross 358587
- Hawthorne, Roy Orville 990027
- Haycock, Bud 990196
- Hemstreet, Leslie 936840
- Henry, Albert 830996
- Henry, Edmund Juan 830997
- Henry, Kent Carl 936779
- Hickman, Dean Junian 990103
- Holiday, Calvin 990198
- Holiday, Samuel Tom 818614
- Housewood, Johnson 448907
- Housteen, Dennie 479730
- Howard, Ambrose 818574
- Hubbard, Arthur Jose 1000128
- Hudson, Lewey 894521
- Hunter, Tom 875445
- James, Benjamin 830998
- James, Billie 875301
- James, George B. 875342
- Johle, Elliott 894447
- John, Charlie T. 875395
- John, Leroy M. Sr. 448918
- Johns, Edmund 448908
- Johnny, Earl 830999
- Johnson, Deswood R. 844625
- Johnson, Francis T. 479772
- Johnson, Johnnie 537164
- Johnson, Peter 894412
- Johnson, Ralph 990086
- Jones, Jack 818548
- Jones, Tom H. Jr. 831001
- Jordan, David 831000
- June, Floyd 479768
- Keams, Percy 990028
- Keedah, Wilson 894673
- Kellwood, Joe H. 479704
- Kescoli, Alonzo 875397
- Ketchum, Bahe 875416
- King, Jimmie 448910
- Kinlacheeny, Paul 894414
- Kinsel, John 448912
- Kirk, George H. 831003
- Kirk, Leo 585379
- Kiyaani, Mike 894629
- Kontz, Rex T. 448921
- Lapahie, Harrison 831046
- Largo, James 990095
- Little, Keith M. 818629
- Lopez, Tommy K. 831059
- MacDonald, Peter 1000079
- Malone, Max 894621
- Malone, Rex 831101
- Malone, Robert 831075
- Maloney, James 990085
- Maloney, Paul E. 875431
- Manuelito, Ben C. 479800
- Manuelito, Ira 831005
- Manuelito, James C. 831060
- Manuelito, Peter 1000234
- Marianito, Frank 936841
- Mark, Robert 990093
- Martin, Matthew 894406
- Martinez, Jose 894550
- McCraith, Archibald 990110
- Mike, King Paul 894671
- Miles, General 990096
- Moffitt, Tom Clah 894473
- Morgan, Jack C. 830932
- Morgan, Ralph 448920
- Morris, Joe 894601
- Moss, George 990093
- Multine, Oscar P. 875314
- Murphy, Calvin H. 875360
- Nagurski, Adolph N. 875384
- Nahkai, James T. Jr. 831006
- Nakaidinae, Peter Sr. 479861
- Napa, Martin Felix
- Negale, Harding 936842
- Newman, Alfred 831007
- Nez, Arthur 1000176
- Nez, Freeland 875252
- Nez, Israel Hosteen 479769
- Nez, Sidney 894511
- Notah, Roy 448914
- Notah, Willie Anthony 875300
- O'Dell, Billy 479877
- Oliver, Willard V. 831008
- Paddock, Layton 479871
- Pahe, Robert D. 831114
- Parrish, Paul A. 416414
- Patrick, Amos Roy 936843
- Patterson, David Earl 831043
- Peaches, Alfred James 875372
- Peshlakai, Sam 894440
- Peterson, Joe Sr. 1000089
- Pinto, Gaul (Guy) 831047
- Pinto, John Senator 990189
- Platero, Richard 894460
- Preston, Jimmie 479801
- Reed, Sam 875369
- Roanhorse, Harry C. 831011
- Sage, Andy 831012
- Sage, Denny 818604
- Salabiye, Jerry E. 1000024
- Sandoval, Peter P. 831088
- Sandoval, Samuel F. 831013
- Sandoval, Thomas 831014
- Scott, John 875415
- Sells, John C. 936956
- Shields, Freddie 894442
- Shorty, Dooley 1000177
- Shorty, Robert T. 831049
- Silversmith, Joe A. 831015
- Silversmith, Sammy 831050
- Singer, Oscar Jones 990122
- Singer, Richard 479774
- Skeet, Wilson Chee 1000081
- Slinkey, Richard T. 479727
- Slivers, Albert J. Sr. 990068
- Smiley, Arcenio 894508
- Smith, Albert 831062
- Smith, George 831063
- Smith, Raymond R. 857535
- Smith, Samuel Jesse 831073
- Soce, George B. 831016
- Sorrell, Benjamin G. 448905
- Spencer, Harry 990197
- Tabaha, Johnnie 990076
- Tah, Alfred 479831
- Tah, Edward 894676
- Talley, John N. 831017
- Tallsalt, Bert 990082
- Thomas, Edward 990129
- Thomas, Richard 894520
- Thompson, Clare M. 875458
- Thompson, Everett M. 818518
- Thompson, Francis T. 537182
- Thompson, Frank T. 403057
- Todacheene, Carl Leon 831018
- Todacheene, Frank Carl 990105
- Tohe, Benson 537165
- Toledo, Curtis 831051
- Toledo, Frank 479759
- Toledo, Preston 479757
- Toledo, Willie 479756
- Towne, Joseph H. 479721
- Towne, Zane 479770
- Tso, Chester H. 894413
- Tso, Howard B. 894677
- Tso, Paul Edward 990071
- Tso, Samuel 818546
- Tsosie, Alfred 831019
- Tsosie, Cecil G. 831020
- Tsosie, Collins D. 831021
- Tsosie, Kenneth 831025
- Tsosie, Samuel Sr. 479913
- Upshaw, John 990099
- Upshaw, William 875364
- Vandever, Joe 831026
- Wagner, Oliver 990162
- Wallace, Stephan P. 1000022
- Walley, Robert 831027
- Werito, John 831052
- Whitman, Lyman J. 894466
- Willetto, Frank, Jr. 831029
- Willetto, Frankie Chee 894509
- Williams, Alex 875338
- Williams, Kenneth 875370
- Willie, George B. 875408
- Woody, Clarence Bahi 990092
- Yazhe, Ernest 448949
- Yazhe, Harrison A. 875363
- Yazza, Peter 875442
- Yazza, Vincent 1000109
- Yazzie, Clifton 894593
- Yazzie, Daniel 831030
- Yazzie, Eddie Melvin 521223
- Yazzie, Edison Kee 875390
- Yazzie, Felix 416408
- Yazzie, Francis 1000101
- Yazzie, Frank H. 990101
- Yazzie, Harding 894480
- Yazzie, Harold 537154
- Yazzie, Joe Shorty 830962
- Yazzie, John 990113
- Yazzie, Justin D. 1000126
- Yazzie, Lemuel Rev. 990062
- Yazzie, Ned 990112
- Yazzie, Pahe Denet 479773
- Yazzie, Raphael 831053
- Yazzie, Robert 831031
- Yazzie, William 875347
- Yellowhair, Leon 990100
- Yellowhair, Stanley 818600
- Yellowman, Howard 831032
- Yoe, George 990119
- Zah, Henry 894551
- Alfred, Johnnie 479728
- Allen, Perry 818534
- Becenti, Ned 448948
- Begay, Edward 474862
- Begay, Jimmie 419878
- Begay, Johnson 965045
- Brown, Ned 818534
- Clark, Jimmie 830987
- Fowler, King 990080
- Gray, Harvey 448909
- Jenson, Nevy 990178
- Jose, Teddy 448913
- Kennepah, Jessie 358451
- Morgan, Herbert 448922
- Morgan, Sam 831100
- Nez, Howard 403039
- Nez, Howard H. 831086
- Otero, Tom 831009
- Singer, Tom 448916
- Smith, Enoch 998953
- Sorrel, Jerome 448915
- Tsosie, David W. 831022
- Tsosie, Howard 964998
- Tsosie, Howard J. 831024
- Whitman, Joe Reid 831028
- Wilson, William 567102
- Yazzie, Charley H. 831054
- Yazzie, Sam W. 990036
- Anderson, Edward 956330
- Brown, N.A. 964770
- Burnside, Francis A. 548184
- Curley, Rueban 875229
- David, Alfred
- Dooley, Richard 807198
- Foster, Harold Y. 537154
- Freeman, Edwin
- Goldtooth, Emmett
- Goodman, Billie 875280
- Harthorn, Rodger 2314982
- Jake, H.
- Kien, William 831058
- Leroy, George
- Leuppe, Edward 381004
- Nazwood, Johnson
- Peterson, David 831043
- Price, Joe F. 894626
- Price, Wilson H. 358592
- Sandoval, Merril Leon 831048
- Tracey, Peter 257670
- Tsosie, Woody B.
- Visalia, Buster
- Babiye, Don
- Barber, Willie
- Begaye, Flemming 830977
- Bejay, Charlie
- Burbank, Askee
- Clauschee, Guy 990200
- Hanigahnie Jake
- Kent, Carl Henry
- Livingston, ?
- Lod(v?)ato, Joe T.
- Martinez, Martin
- Peshlakai, Wallace Jr.
- Singer, William
- Yazzie ?, Leon
- Yazzie, Peter
It is with that I submit those names on a wonderful treasure from the
Four Corners to America, and what they gave this country is so
valuable. You look back on their life and what they gave us is
immeasurable. What I would also like to do is honor them on today, the
anniversary of Pearl Harbor; and I hope that we would look fondly on
their attributes and what they gave to this great country because we
are all great because of them.
I also want to take the liberty of acknowledging one other person.
It's her birthday today. It's my mom. She turned 78. Happy birthday,
I yield back the balance of my time.